Three matters lie ahead for me in the next two months. Matter one is ISM’s 60-person trip to New Delhi, Mumbai and Goa starting this Saturday. I will post daily blogs from India.
Matter two is the ISM EGM coming up on 18 December where we will be seeking approval from the membership to internationalise ISM and to change the name of the PCVS Division to the Property Management, Valuation and Estate Agency Surveying Division (PMVS). This change in name was requested by the Division and Council has agreed. We usually need sufficient proxy votes to have a quorum for constitutional changes, one third of membership, and we are asking all ISM members and fellows to send in their proxy forms. Even if you intend to come on that day, it will be appreciated if you could nonetheless send in the proxy form as this will help us to know, ahead of the EGM, if the EGM will go on, with sufficient quorum. On the day of EGM, when you turn up, the proxy form that you send now will automatically become invalid. Please help the council in this matter as there has been many attempted EGM’s that have been aborted due to lack of quorum.
Matter 3 is to inform you of the preparation of the production of a commerative book in conjunction of the 50th anniversary of ISM. In this connection, all members and fellows are urged to send the special levy of RM75 per member and RM150 per fellow as agreed at the EGM in June 2010 together with your annual subscription for 2010.
Here’s wishing you a happy 50th Birthday.